Aikatsu! – 07
And onto the seventh episode, an Aoi-centric one. And on top of that, have some behind-the-scenes info (or you can just skip to the links if you’d like). In this episode, a Twitter look-alike appears, called Kirakiratter (shining-twitter). Were we a more liberal group, that would’ve immediately turned into the near-perfect localization “Glitter”. Of course, then we would’ve had to figure out something better than “gleets” for the posts, but no matter. Then there’s the pun at 12:23, “アイカツ カイカツ オイガツオ” (Aikatsu Kaikatsu Oigatsuo), which is literally “Aikatsu, Cheerfulness, Some Skipjack Tuna Dish That Involves Sauce” (which makes even less sense that what I thought the last part originally was, which was “Guts”). Of course, that’s not a pun, so we had to change it around a bit. Johnny-sensei also has a nice pun later on which is much easier to translate. Either way, enjoy the episode, and sorry for the delay.
Is your encode 10 bit?
You bet.
Thank you very much!!! I love you!!
From last week’s preview and maybe partly from your translations, I thought this episode would be about proper blogs.
Thanks for the subs. Keep up the great job.