Yeah, they skipped a lot.
This show is literally Elfen Lied.
Also, since this is the last episode, we’re going to have staff comments, as usual. Eventually. I just wanna sleep. This was delayed like ten extra minutes because the ED was being silly.
Episode 13: Torrent | Magnet
Etoce (Translation, Timing, Songs, QC):
For some reason, this show provided script that were… uh, not very frustrating to translate. I think it was probably because the script was very forced and uninspiring. Actually, the show in general wasn’t that great. It was a pleasing show to translate, but I don’t know if I’d’ve enjoyed it very much if I were just watching it. Oh well. I guess it had its moments. And this show also led to me achieving my fifth fansubbing achievement, so that was nice.
Akatsukin (Editing, Typesetting, TLC)
This show had Taneda Risa, astronomy, and Elfen Lied, just like I said. It also was clearly biased towards certain girls, which I had hoped it wouldn’t do (Neko excluded, MC privilege and all). The juxtaposition between very serious/people dying and making jokes about the gradation of nipples was pretty humorous, and it wasn’t particularly difficult to do this show from my position. It just didn’t have that magic that it needed to be really great. Maybe that was somewhere in the 50 chapters it butchered. Well, I’m at least glad it’s over and we can all move on with our lives. Oh yeah, and if you go back and watch Oreshura again after this it becomes about 214% funnier.
Special thanks to HS for doing such a great job encoding for us.